Teaching of Tenrikyo
Toward World Salvation
Tenrikyo came into existence on October 26, 1838, when God the Parent, Tenri-Ô-no-Mikoto, was revealed through the Foundress, Miki Nakayama, to save all mankind. God the Parent is the original and true Parent of all mankind, who has nurtured and protected human beings since the creation. God the Parent created mankind so that, by seeing man live a joyous life, God could share in that joy. Thus, the living of a joyous life should be the purpose of man's existence. Since God the Parent is our Parent, we are all God's children and, therefore, we should realize that we are all brothers and sisters.
We are taught that our bodies are borrowed from God the Parent and only our minds belong to us and, by the proper usage of our minds, we will be able to live a joyous life.
Then why are we beset by illness, anxiety, problems and misfortunes? It is because we believe that we live by our own power. We fail to acknowledge the existence of God the Parent and the divine providence which allows us to live.
God the Parent compares the wrong usage of our minds to dust. Any thoughts which differ from God's will are called dust, and we are encouraged to sweep away any accumulated dust daily. We are taught that illness and misfortunes are not punishment for our wrong thoughts and actions but only the resulting manifestations of them.
Through our troubles, God the Parent seeks to further our understanding of the divine intention to actualize a joyous life, guiding us with parental love. This is referred to as divine guidance. Through divine guidance we can reflect upon the daily usage of our minds and change it to conform to the will of God the Parent. This is the true path to our salvation.
Believing in the providence of God the Parent and are allowed to live by the divine providence. By truly understanding this teaching, we are able to experience the joy of living. The expression of this joy in our daily actions is taught as hinokishin. Based on this and the teaching of universal brotherhood, we need to follow the divine will in helping and saving others.
We should strive to sweep away our mental dust daily and dedicate ourselves in hinokishin with true satisfaction in our minds. Also, if all the people in the world endeavor to understand and help each other, then this mind of sincerity will be accepted by God the Parent, who will surely manifest omnipotent workings.
Tenrikyo has spread throughout Japan and also to various countries in the world. With our belief in God the Parent, we are constantly working and praying for world peace.
The Tenrikyo Church Headquarters is in the city of Tenri, in Japan. Its location is where all mankind was first created by God the Parent. Therefore, that place (Jiba) is the home of all mankind. In Tenri there are various educational institutions; social institutions, including an orphanage and a hospital; and cultural institutions, such as the world-famous library and museum.
Through these institutions we are working toward the realization of a joyous world by deepening the mutual understanding of all mankind.