Tenrikyo Europe Centre

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Sunday 9 March 2025

Monthly Service at 10:30

For anyone who wishes to visit and/or worship at the Europe Centre, please notify us in advance.


No announcements at the moment.


2023 December Monthly Service Sermon

We are currently engaging in the activities that are conducted in anticipation of the 140th Anniversary of Oyasama. I am sure that each and every one of you have made resolutions and are devoting your efforts to that end day and night. What a pleasure it would be to see your efforts bloom in January of the 189th Year of Tenrikyo as a reward given by Oyasama. Even if the objectives set through these resolutions are not achieved, I firmly believe that Oyasama will, in a different form, reward us for taking the first steps onto the path of spiritual maturity. I trust that those of us who fol...